
Response to EU Commission on withholding taxes

Written by Xceptor | Jul 6, 2022

We recently provided feedback to the EU Commission regarding their initiative to introduce a common EU-wide system for Withholding Tax.

We strongly believe that the standardisation of the Withholding Tax Relief procedures across EU State Members would require modernisation and digitisation of the current processes as much as possible.

As a company fully embedded into the tax industry, Xceptor believes that the following specific areas are key drivers to achieve the goal of more efficient EU Withholding Taxes procedures:

  • Tax Digitisation
  • Increase the use of E-filing
  • Electronic Signatures and Electronic Stamps
  • Tax Transparency
  • Data Transmission

The information gathered under the public consultation will be used to support the impact assessment of the EU Commission in the context of this initiative. The Commission is expected to adopt its proposal – likely in the form of a Directive, by the fourth quarter of 2022.

We look forward to the outcome of the consultation.