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What is Source Data Automation
Source data automation refers to the process of automatically collecting, processing, and integrating data from various source systems into a centralized data repository or data warehouse without manual intervention. It uses technology and software to extract data, transform it and standardize it before being loaded into a target database or data warehouse.
Source data automation involves the use of technology and processes to automatically collect, extract, and integrate data directly from its origin or source systems into a target destination, such as a database or data warehouse. This approach eliminates manual intervention in the data extraction process, ensuring a more efficient and accurate transfer of information. Source data automation is commonly used in data integration and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, enabling organizations to streamline the movement of data from diverse sources to a centralized repository. By automating these tasks, source data automation contributes to improved data quality, reduced processing time, and enhanced overall efficiency in managing and utilizing organizational data.